St. Michael's Charleston, 1751-1951 with Supplements 1951-2001 (Hardcover)

St. Michael's Charleston, 1751-1951 with Supplements 1951-2001 (Hardcover)

The bicentennial account of one of the most historic churches in America, published in 1951, was the culmination of years of research and planning on the part of the members of St. Michael's.  It has been out of print for some time.  This 2nd edition is published as a feature of the 2001 bi-sesquicentennial celebration.

The new edition presents a reprint of the original work, including the photographs of Charles Richards Banks.  In addition, this volume provides a Supplement that expands on Part Two of the history, including fresh material on the ecclesiology of the church written by the original author.  It assembles data that have come to light in the half-century since the book was first published, together with new research on old topics.  Elise Pinckney, the parish historian, and Marguerite Palmer also provide excerpts of the period 1951-2000 drawn from the minutes of the vestry.
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