In 1962, Alexander McQueen Quattlebaum first visited the Isle of Skye, off the west coast of Scotland. After surveying the land and finding it a stark contrast to the fertile fields of South Carolinas lowcountry, he understood why, after generations, his forebears had chosen to leave the Scottish isle and cross the Atlantic. However, over the next two decades he made annual visits to Scotland and slowly uncovered the rich history of the MacQueen and Macfarlane families.
In researching this history and chronology of two families, Quattlebaum gets to know his ancestorssome very average men and women and some colorful characters. Quattlebaum wandered the hills and valleys of Skye and walked through the churches and homes of the MacQueens. He learned that the Macfarlane clan, descendants of the earls of Lennox lived in Dumbarton and Loch Lomond. The author then traced the Macfarlanes to Glasgow and Greenock, where they established themselves as merchants in the early seventeenth century. From Greenock, the family migrated to the Carolinas, where Major Alexander McQueen married Marjory Macfarlane.
In this historical study, Quattlebaum records almost five hundred years of MacQueen genealogy and traces the Macfarlanes back nearly a thousand years.